Annual Self Performance Review

As 2024 draws to a close, many companies, corporations and businesses conduct a year-end review as a way to assess their annual performance. This professional tool can be modified and used personally as a reflective process to help recognize how far you have come, your milestones or achievements and also help pinpoint areas that need improvement.

Using this self performance method can help give you insight and information that can strategically help recalibrate or steer your decision making and plans for the future. A personalized annual self-assessment can become your blueprint for understanding and improving all facets of your life.

The Coaching Approach to Self-Reflection

As a Life Coach, using this process as a reflection framework tool allows individuals and couples to review any period of time, season or cycle that is coming to an end. This insightful exercise is not just about acknowledging the grand achievements but also rediscovering the overlooked or forgotten small victories, the challenges faced, and the lessons learned. It paints a bigger picture of personal growth, the areas that require more attention and helps identifies the what has matured and ripe for development.

Year-End Personal Review Assessment

To help get you started with this process of reflection, here's a structured assessment you can use:

  1. Celebrating Achievements

    • List three major accomplishments from the past year.

    • Describe any smaller victories that made a big impact on your journey.

    • How did each achievement improve your personal or professional life?

  2. Goal Evaluation

    • What were your primary goals at the beginning of the year?

    • Which goals did you achieve, and what contributed to your success?

    • Identify goals you didn’t meet. What were the obstacles?

  3. Overcoming Challenges

    • What were the biggest challenges you faced?

    • How did you address or overcome these challenges?

    • What lessons did these experiences offer, and how can you apply them moving forward?

  4. Personal Growth

    • Reflect on your growth: In which areas have you developed the most?

    • What new skills or knowledge have you acquired?

    • What areas still need improvement, and what steps will you take?

  5. Planning for the Year Ahead

    • Set three specific, achievable goals for the coming year.

    • Outline an action plan with steps to reach each goal.

    • What resources or support will you need to succeed?

Use this templet as a way to discover more information about yourself, where you want to be and what tools (physical, emotional, spiritual, mental) you need in order to cultivate that energy of engagement. This reflective practice can lead to crafting a healthy, realistic and actionable strategy that can drive you both personal and professionally.

Ready to Transform?

Need help accomplishing this? Start with a FREE 30-minute Discovery Session for New Subscribers (Hurry This Offer ends Dec 31, 2024) and together, we'll can start to embark on your transformational voyage.

Marcie Reznik